Thursday, July 22, 2010


You want to cry but don't know how to cry.
You want to talk, but don't know how to say it right.
You want to say No, but you say Yes.
You want to run, but how do if you have no leg?
You want to slap someone else face, but you keep smiling to them.
You get hurt, but your answer is "i'm fine".
You want ask them to "Shut up", but always let them to keep telling you about Bu**Sh** things.
You're tired, but you have to walk.
You need your own time, but they can't stop to bugging you till death.
You want them to understand, but even the closest one can't understand you.
You wish they won't ask, but you always give the answer.
You want to give help, but don't know how to help.
You're trying to be nice, but they say "you're pretending to be nice".
You're so happy because of someone, but you're too nervous and even can't smile or say "Thanky you. I'm happy because of you".
You love someone but you can't say it or show him/her your love.
You need help, but they think you don't need their hands.
You're happy and blessed, though you don't have smiley face.

Sometimes, what is in your mind can be conflicting with your own reflection.


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