Akhirnya cuaca hangat sampai juga, bunga-bunga juga bermekaran disana-sini.
Tapi kalau kemana-mana rame banget karena anak-anak pada liburan sekolah & sekarang turis yang dateng juga banyak sekali. Aku sendiri ngga gitu suka tempat yang rame, jadi biasanya nyari tempat2 yang terpencil aja. Jadi bisa duduk tenang sambil menikmati pemandangan.
Oh ya sedikit etika kalau lihat bunga sakura disini :
Pohonnya jangan diapa-apain, karena banyak pohon yang sudah berumur & bunganya itu cuma mekar sebentar banget, jadi supaya orang lain juga bisa menikmati lebih lama. Agak sedih ngeliatin foto-foto di instagram dengan gaya manjat pohon dan bergelantungan di pohon sakura.
Bunganya juga jangan dipetik atau dipegang-pegang, kalau mau ambil aja yang sudah rontok dibawah.
Begitu pohon sakuranya berumur, pasti bakal ditanam ulang tapi butuh waktu lama lagi buat bisa tumbuh besar & berbunga dengan bagus.
Orang tua disini juga ngajarin anak-anaknya(entah laki atau perempuan) supaya memperlakukan pohonnya dengan yasashi(lemah lembut) terutama kalau sampe kepengen megang.
Dan kalau pergi hanami, jangan buang sampah sembarangan ya~
Aku ingin balik hanami an disana lagi..cantik yah.
ReplyDeleteDear Inge, I hope this message reach you up in heaven. It was a big shock for me reading the messages in your facebook page, it is a big loss for your family beyond words and imagination. I hope your family will soon find peace and strength to be given for your husband and daughters, and the family will stand up straight on the foundation that you and your husband has built.
ReplyDeleteWe never know each other, but your writing has been an inspiration for years. You and I, are the same age, following a similar path in Japan, and later as a mom. What you wrote was honest and pure, just like you. I am thankful that your writing about your daughter was beautifully written and sure will be cherished by Rahel and Lea. Showing what a great mom you are and always will in their hearts. Rahel, i hope one day you will read all these, and remember that your mom loves you the most. Let her love shine your path and God held you in His hands, gives you joy and peace.
It has been almost a week, but a stranger like me checksnyour facebook page like 6 times a day, hoping that all these are nightmares. We will wake up and realized you are still with us. And all this feeling comes from a stranger like me, i wonder what an impact of your life towards your family, they kust have been lucky to have you in their life. Rest in peace Inge, God will take care of your family. Amen.
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