Thursday, June 21, 2012

Edit or Replace Blogger(Picasa) and Google+ Photos

Step by step how to replace or edit your existing Images in Picasa Album/Google+. You need to install Picasa Desktop Application for this tutorial[i'm using ver3.9].

1. Open the Image you want to edit from Picasa Album.

2. Click on "Action" -> "Edit in Picasa". Click "Edit Image" on Confirm Dialog. Choose Picasa Application and click "OK". Now your Image will be copied into "Online Edits" folder.

3. Edit your Image and save it. You also can edit it from another Software/Application and after save it please follow step No. 5.

4. After save the image, click Back To Library button.

5. Move File To Blog Image Folder (If this folder not exist -> Rename "Online Edit" into your Image's Folder Name as in Picasa Album. ex : mine is "My Sweet and Sour Life") and don't forget to set "Sync to Web" ON.

6. Open the image once again by double clicking.

7. Right Click on your image and choose "Online Actions" -> "Update Online Photo".

8. Now your image will be updated.


PS : If you want to replace your image with other image, you can rename your new image as the existing image and put it on you local Folder with your Blog Album name(create it if not exist). After that you can following step number 5 and so on.


  1. pits dulu pakai picasa juga karena gratis hahahaha... tapi makin lama makin berat hahaha :)
    yang ini berat enggak yah ?!

    1. klo gw engga sih pit, asal bukanya ga dibiarin gt aja ama yg ga perlu2 semuanya aku matiin.. jadi pemakaian secukupnya aja hehehe...


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