Saturday, February 12, 2011

Google で、もっと。

I don't know since when i love their commercials. It's simple moreover "cute". I don't know how to describe it well :p So i think you need to check these videos and visit their site at Google de, motto~ and find out how to "Google Search with sound".


  1. keren banget! ga tau google bisa gituan.

  2. iya.. cuma sering liat iklan mereka di kereta makanya demen. Cuma klo dikereta iklannya jadi bisu hahaha~

  3. yg terakhir kereenn..tapi itu maksudnya google bisa apa ya? telmi deh gue

    yg kedua juga lucu

    yg pertama sih bikin mupeng !!!

  4. itu cuma promoin chrome keknya. jd punya fungsi tab jg & bisa dipake buat iseng2, ada yg versi musik jg...

    iy yg pertama tu cute banget hahahaha... apalgi klo seandainya tulisannya ke tangkep di google map :D


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