Good morning,
was a very tiring day yesterday, but it was a very blessful one. I gave birth to a miracle child at 4:53am yesterday, despite of her physical condition n strength n doctor's opinion... she's hangin in there fighting her life.
She was born with umbilical hernia n diagphram hernia; she had her first surgery yesterday, coz it was critical... some of her stomach guts were outside her belly button hangin on to the umbilicalcord, the team doctors placed it back in her tummy. If shes in stable condition today, they're gonna operate her again tomorrow; pulling down some other stomachguts that had went up n been pushing her heart n lung... they gonna close the hole in her diagphram to prevent her stomach organs from flowing up again.
And just a few more surgeries, once she gets bigger.
I'm not worried, she's in good hands n the Lord is protecting her.
Thank you soo much for ur prayers... please keep on praying, I really appreciate it.
I still dont know when I cud hold her in my arms yet, but I'm sure that day wud come
And another good news is, the doctor allowed me to go back home the same day I gave birth... he said I was too genki fur a person who just had a baby; walkin around the maternity ward...hehehe
Ohh yeah, I gave birth normally... 3hrs of labor, eventhough I insisted the nurse that my actual labor is 3days, coz I already had 4cm opening last sunday; but they stopped the contraction fearing if I had the baby too early, she wont survive.
Guess what, 34weeks wud be considered premature baby right?? K-chan was born 2.7kg 44.5cm n the doctors were worried about her being too small, just over a week ago they told me she was just about 1.6kg 30cm, babies dont rapidly grow in just over a week... do they?? hehehe, God sure does work in mysterious way
well, I've been babbling too much... enjoy ur obon holidays y'all
Diatas tadi adalah email yg dikirim Kak M untuk ngabarin kabar gembira atas kelahiran K-chan minggu lalu. Dan aku sungguh terharu waktu ngebaca email dia itu, sampe2 ngerasa pengen nangis karena Kak M bisa setenang itu buat ngabarin keadaan K-chan.
Dan ini pesan balasan dari Kak M setelah aku ucapin selamat atas kelahiran si K-chan :
tengkiuu, hehehe... me not mommy yg hebat, wudnt be this strong if it wasnt fur my family; especially my baby sis, friends n even prayers n supports of ppl I've never even met ;))
Banyak banget tantangan n cobaan, n there were times when I tempted to give up, but I'm glad I didnt ;)).... sampe ngotot hampir nangis didpn team dokter2 yg ngasih cmn 1% chance, daku bilang sdh kebal nguatin hati dr dulu... bisa terima semua outcome dgn rela n hoping fur a miracle to happen. Hasilnya, mrk langsung tanggap dan lebih care... n ngga sembarang dokter nanganin daku n K-chan ;))..
Perjuangan K-chan msh banyak, but she's a fighter n Bapa di surga is always watching over her ;)) so I'm not worried at all ;)
Td jenguk K-chan, dia slalu tidur krn memang dibius but J(K-chan's dad) said everytime I touched her K-chan kluar air mata, ama nursenya dilapp trs ;))
See u saturday at church ;))) GBU
4 jempol dengan perjuangan mommy yg satu ini. Dia sama sekali ngga pernah nunjukin muka khawatir atau sedih, malah banyakan cengengesan ketawa-ketiwi tiap kli aku godain dengan elus2 perutnya. Mungkin karena kita sama2 Taurus, jadinya emang jarang share yg sedih2 ke org lain kli ya. Kita punya Bapa yg besar buat semua masalah yg datang, lalu kenapa harus menolak hadiah yg Dia beri? Kak M dengan senang hati menerima special gift nya walaupun banyak yang ngga setuju. Aku percaya K-chan adalah berkat yg ngga ada duanya. Terus berjuang ya Kak...
Moga2 K-chan bisa cepet pulih & ikutan papa-mama pulang kerumah.
PS : K-chan bakal tinggal di RS sampai 6bulan, jadi aku minta doanya ya temans, thanks &GBU.
was a very tiring day yesterday, but it was a very blessful one. I gave birth to a miracle child at 4:53am yesterday, despite of her physical condition n strength n doctor's opinion... she's hangin in there fighting her life.
She was born with umbilical hernia n diagphram hernia; she had her first surgery yesterday, coz it was critical... some of her stomach guts were outside her belly button hangin on to the umbilicalcord, the team doctors placed it back in her tummy. If shes in stable condition today, they're gonna operate her again tomorrow; pulling down some other stomachguts that had went up n been pushing her heart n lung... they gonna close the hole in her diagphram to prevent her stomach organs from flowing up again.
And just a few more surgeries, once she gets bigger.
I'm not worried, she's in good hands n the Lord is protecting her.
Thank you soo much for ur prayers... please keep on praying, I really appreciate it.
I still dont know when I cud hold her in my arms yet, but I'm sure that day wud come
And another good news is, the doctor allowed me to go back home the same day I gave birth... he said I was too genki fur a person who just had a baby; walkin around the maternity ward...hehehe
Ohh yeah, I gave birth normally... 3hrs of labor, eventhough I insisted the nurse that my actual labor is 3days, coz I already had 4cm opening last sunday; but they stopped the contraction fearing if I had the baby too early, she wont survive.
Guess what, 34weeks wud be considered premature baby right?? K-chan was born 2.7kg 44.5cm n the doctors were worried about her being too small, just over a week ago they told me she was just about 1.6kg 30cm, babies dont rapidly grow in just over a week... do they?? hehehe, God sure does work in mysterious way
well, I've been babbling too much... enjoy ur obon holidays y'all
Diatas tadi adalah email yg dikirim Kak M untuk ngabarin kabar gembira atas kelahiran K-chan minggu lalu. Dan aku sungguh terharu waktu ngebaca email dia itu, sampe2 ngerasa pengen nangis karena Kak M bisa setenang itu buat ngabarin keadaan K-chan.
Dan ini pesan balasan dari Kak M setelah aku ucapin selamat atas kelahiran si K-chan :
tengkiuu, hehehe... me not mommy yg hebat, wudnt be this strong if it wasnt fur my family; especially my baby sis, friends n even prayers n supports of ppl I've never even met ;))
Banyak banget tantangan n cobaan, n there were times when I tempted to give up, but I'm glad I didnt ;)).... sampe ngotot hampir nangis didpn team dokter2 yg ngasih cmn 1% chance, daku bilang sdh kebal nguatin hati dr dulu... bisa terima semua outcome dgn rela n hoping fur a miracle to happen. Hasilnya, mrk langsung tanggap dan lebih care... n ngga sembarang dokter nanganin daku n K-chan ;))..
Perjuangan K-chan msh banyak, but she's a fighter n Bapa di surga is always watching over her ;)) so I'm not worried at all ;)
Td jenguk K-chan, dia slalu tidur krn memang dibius but J(K-chan's dad) said everytime I touched her K-chan kluar air mata, ama nursenya dilapp trs ;))
See u saturday at church ;))) GBU
4 jempol dengan perjuangan mommy yg satu ini. Dia sama sekali ngga pernah nunjukin muka khawatir atau sedih, malah banyakan cengengesan ketawa-ketiwi tiap kli aku godain dengan elus2 perutnya. Mungkin karena kita sama2 Taurus, jadinya emang jarang share yg sedih2 ke org lain kli ya. Kita punya Bapa yg besar buat semua masalah yg datang, lalu kenapa harus menolak hadiah yg Dia beri? Kak M dengan senang hati menerima special gift nya walaupun banyak yang ngga setuju. Aku percaya K-chan adalah berkat yg ngga ada duanya. Terus berjuang ya Kak...
Moga2 K-chan bisa cepet pulih & ikutan papa-mama pulang kerumah.
PS : K-chan bakal tinggal di RS sampai 6bulan, jadi aku minta doanya ya temans, thanks &GBU.
Semoga K-chan segera sehat dan punya usus yang normal ya :-)
ReplyDeletethanks vicky..
ReplyDeleteaku jg ga sabar pengen ketemu dia :D
setuju,si mommy tenang banget.
ReplyDeletesemoga K-chan cepet sembuh.miris ya,baru nongol di dunia,tapi udah harus fighting buat hidup.
buat mommy nya selamat atas kelahiran K-chan dan jaga kesehatan karena K-chan amat sangat butuh mommy nya juga buat berjuang ^__^
buat K-chan "cepet sembuh yaaaa ,chuu~~ -.- "
Iya lie... mommy nya bener2 tegar banget. Tiap kali kita ketemu pasti ketawa2 aja.
ReplyDeleteYup, mg2 dia cepet sembuh yaaa^^ thx buat doanya.
jadi inget ama keponkananya temen yang baru umur 1 tahun, ultah ke-1 di RS karena baru aja operasi kanker hati, dan masih kudu di kemo (ga tau apaan tuh) 4x, perkiraan akan di RS sampe Oct nanti
ReplyDeletesemoga K-Chan cepet sembuhhhh :)